Chrome postcard of Fremont Street in Las Vegas, Nevada. Casinos shown in the photo include the Mint, the Golden Nugget, the Lucky Strike Club, and the Boulder Club. This is a Curteichcolor postcard published in 1958 by Curteich Co. of Chicago. IL. It was distributed by Desert Supply Co. of Las Vegas. The Gold Nugget, completely revamped since 1958, is still operating. The Mint closed in 1988; the Lucky Strike closed in 1967; and the Boulder Club was destroyed by fire in 1960.
Chrome postcard showing businesses on Capitol Avenue in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming. This is a Natural Color postcard published by Mike Roberts of Berkeley, California, and distributed by Cheyenne News Agency of Cheyenne.
Chrome postcard showing businesses at the junction os US Highways 40, 24, and 287 in Limon, Colorado. This postcard was postmarked at Limon on August 7, 1971. It was published by Patterson Distributing Co. of Denver, Colorado.
Chrome postcard showing businesses, including the Paramount Theatre, on Polk Street in downtown Amarillo, Texas. This postcard was distributed by Baxter Lane Co. of Amarillo.
Chrome postcard of the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood, California. This postcard was postmarked at San Bernadino, California, on February 3, 1958. It is a Curteichcolor Art-Creation postcard made by Curteich Co. of Chicago, IL. It was distrubted by Western Publishing and Novelty Co. of Los Angeles, CA.
Two divided back postcards showing two views of Th. Jaeger on Rue Clemenceau in Ste-Marie-aux-Mines, France. According to the description on the front of the card this store was a grocery, haberdashery, and seller of household items. Both cards were published by Ed. A. Gunther of Ste-Marie-aux-Mines. They would date after 1919 when this area reverted from German control back to French.
Undivided back postcard from Ste-Marie-aux-Mines, France. This postcard was postmarked Roustchouk in 1902. The German name of the city, Markirch, is also printed on the card as well as the German description, Blumenplatz. Ste-Marie-aux-Mines is located in the Alsace region of France. Alsace fell under German rule in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and remained under German control until the end of World War I in 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. My great-great grandfather, John Reinhardt, was born in Ste-Marie-aux-Mines (Markirch) in 1844 and lived there until he emigrated to America about 1860. He always said he was a Frenchman, not a German.
Divided back postcard showing the Missouri Pacific Train Station at Fort Scott, Kansas. This postcard was postmarked at Garland, Kansas, and dated June 30, 1910. It was made in Germany and published by International Post Card Co. of New York City, NY.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on Main Street at Second Street in downtown Fort Scott, Kansas.This postcard was postmarked at Rich Hill, Missouri, and dated August 25, 1910. It was made in Germany and was published by International Post Card Co., New York City, NY.
Chrome postcard showing businesses on South Main Street in downtown Fort Scott, Kansas. The old Fox Theatre can be seen on the right. This postcard was published by Henry McGrew Printing Co., Kansas City, Missouri.
C.T. Art-Colortone linen greetings postcard from Chicago, Illinois. The postcard shows seven various night scenes of Chicago. The card was produced in 1950 by the Curteich Co. of Chicago and distributed by Aero Distributing Co. of Chicago.
Divided back postcard showing the Elevated Loop tracks above Wabash Avenue in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This postcard was postmarked at Chicago and dated July 21, 1911.
Divided back postcard of a scene on Adams Street looking east from State Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The postcard was postmarked at Chicago and dated September 30, 1908. It was made in Leipzig, Germany, and published by A. Holzmann of Chicago.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on Dearborn Street looking north from Van Buren Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This postcard was postmarked at Chicago and dated November 7, 1911.
Undivided back postcard of the Milwaukee Avenue Co-Operative Store which was located on Milwaukee Avenue in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This card was postmarked at Chicago and dated September 6, 1905. The store was only open for about three years, filing bankruptcy and closing in August 1906.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on State Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This postcard was published by Franklin Post Card Co. of Chicago.
Divided back postcard showing the Palmer House and other buildings at the corner of State Street and Monroe Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. Postcard was published by V.O. Hammon Publishing of Chicago. It was postmarked in Chicago and is dated October 18, 1919.
Divided back postcard showing the Sing Fat Co., an Oriental bazaar, in the Chinatown district of San Francisco, California. Card was published by Pacific Novelty Co. of San Francisco. The card is dated on the back September 23, 1922.
White border real photo postcard showing the Chamber of Commerce Building at the corner of 12th St and Broadway in Los Angeles, California. This building was completed in 1924 and was demolished in the 1960s for expansion of the Los Angeles Times. Although the card itself is not dated, white border cards were produced in the U.S. between 1915 and 1930.
Kodak real photo postcard of Bullock's Inc. in Pasadena, California. Bullock's was a popular department store and a front-runner to the modern shopping mall.This card was published in the early 1950s by the Los Angeles Photo Post Card Co. of Los Angeles, CA.
Two EKC real photo postcards showing the York County Court House in downtown York, Nebraska. Both postcards were published by the L.L. Cook Co. of Milwaukee, WI. EKC cards were produced between 1939 and 1950.
Undivided back post card of Main Street in downtown Bloomington, Illinois. Card is dated 1898 on the back. Published by Pantagraph Printing and Stationery of Bloomington.
Divided back greeting card showing six views of Mackinaw, Illinois. Clockwise from top left the views are of: the High School, the Christian Church, the City Park, the Illinois Traction railroad tracks, the Mackinaw River, and the bank building.
Undivided back postcard showing the Masonic Building on Walnut Street in Newtonville, Massachusetts. Made in Germany, this card is copyrighted 1905 by the Rotograph Co. of New York City.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on River Street in downtown Aurora, Illinois. Made in Germany, this card was published by A.A. Lindstrom of Aurora.
Undivided back postcard showing the Hotel Bishop in Aurora, Illinois. Printed in Germany, this postcard was published in 1909 by A.A. Lindstrom of Aurora.
Divided back postcard of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Bunker Hill, Illinois. Postmarked at Bunker Hill with a date of August 17, 1908. This postcard was made in Germany and published by L.E. Jansen of Bunker Hill.
Chrome postcard advertising the Pottery Shack in Laguna Beach, California. This is a Plastichrome postcard published by Colourpicture Co. of Boston, MA. Initially the site of a small home, then the Yum-Yum Tea Room, in 1936 it was to become the home of The Pottery Shack and remain so for the next 66 years. With a trailer load of “seconds” from J.A. Bauer’s Glendale factory, The Pottery Shack flourished as a destination for residents and visitors alike combing through stacks of pottery and collectibles. The founding Childs family retired in 1972 and sold their business to Pier One Imports with its intention of using the brand and concept as the basis for national expansion. With these plans aborted, it passed back into private hands and in 2004 one of Laguna Beach’s favorite shopping places closed its retail store. In 2006, after two years of caring renovation, The Shack was reborn as The Old Pottery Place, providing a home for an array of distinctive shops, restaurants, and offices.
Chrome postcard showing Webb's City in St. Petersburg, Florida. This postcard was published by Ward Beckett & Co. of Clearwater, FL. Webb's City advertised itself as "The World's Most Unusual Drug Store". It covered 5 city blocks and included 67 stores in downtown St. Petersburg. Webb's had a gift shop, hardware store, meat market, beauty salon, travel agency, clothing departments, cafeteria, multiple coffee shops and soda fountains and of course, a drugstore. The store first opened in the mid 1920s and closed for good in 1979.
Chrome postcard showing the new addition to Pekin Public Hospital in Pekin, Illinois. The hospital was established in 1913 and this third addition was dedicated in 1955. This is an Eaglecolor card published by Cincinnati Litho Co. Eagle Division of Chicago, IL.
Chrome postcard showing Building KK of Caterpillar Tractor Co. in East Peoria, Illinois. Building KK housed the most modern diesel engine factory in the world and was part of Caterpillar's 5.5 million square feet of floor space under roof. This is a Curteichcrom card published in 1956 by Curteich of Chicago, IL.
Linen postcard showing two interior views of The Tropics Hawaiian Cocktail Lounge inside the Hotel Chicagoan at 67 W. Madison St. in downtown Chicago. This is a CC.T. Art-Colortone postcard published in 1940 by Curteich of Chicago.
This is a linen postcard advertising the Hotel Byers in Mattoon, Illinois. This is a color litho Barsheen finished postcard published by the MWM Co. of Aurora, Missouri.
Advertising postcard for the Joplin Motel which was located on US Highway 66 on the west edge of Joplin, Missouri. This is a color litho Barsheen finished postcard published by the MWM Co. of Aurora, Missouri. Card is postmarked at Joplin and is dated January 7, 1960.
Divided back postcard showing soldiers in fron the barracks at Camp Grant, Illinois. This postcard was published by E.C. Kropp Co. of Milwaukee, WI. It was postmarked at Rockford, Illinois, and is dated January 10, 1919. Camp Grant, near Rockford, was established in 1917 and became one of the major training facilities during World War I. In October 1940 Camp Grant was re-activated as an induction center and also served as a POW detention center during World War II. The camp was permanently closed in 1946 and many of the buildings had been razed by the late 1940s.
Divided back postcard showing two views of the USO Lounge and Servicemen's Canteen located inside Chicago Union Station at Chicago, IL. Card is postmarked at Chicago and dated June 28, 1943.
Advertising postcard for the New Cinerama Presentation "Cinerama Holiday" from the Boyd Theatre at 1908 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, PA. This postcard was sent from Peoria, Illinois, and is postmarked July 12, 1955.
This is a real photo postcard showing the 7 Quiz Kids as well as the quizmaster Joe Kelly. The Quiz Kids was a popular radio (and later TV) series from the 1940s and 1950s. Originally sponsored by Alka-Seltzer, the series was first broadcast on NBC from Chicago on June 28, 1940. It continued on radio for the next 13 years. On television, the show was seen on NBC and CBS from July 6, 1949 to July 5, 1953, with Joe Kelly as quizmaster, and again from January 12 to September 27, 1956, with Clifton Fadiman as host.
This is a penny postcard from ham radio operator Elmer R. "Mike" Strunk from Morton, Illinois. Card is dated November 25, 1938, and was postmarked at Morton and mailed on December 13, 1938. Mike Strunk was my uncle and I spent many days in my youth listening to him talk to his many friends all over the world via his ham radio.
Divided back postcard showing the High School in Mackinaw, Illinois. Card is published by Fred C. Whisler of Mackinaw. The high school was completed in 1889 and was remodeled several times over the years. The building was demolished in 2009 to make way for a new high school addition.
Real photo postcard of the grade school in Prescott, Kansas. This postcard is dated April 18, 1908, and was postmarked at Prescott. My mother, her sister, and both brothers attended grade school in this building in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The building is still standing today and serves as Prescott's public library.
Undivided back postcard showing businesses on Fifth Avenue in downtown Minier, Illinois. The postcard is dated June 22, 1910, and was postmarked at Minier.