Chrome postcard of Fremont Street in Las Vegas, Nevada. Casinos shown in the photo include the Mint, the Golden Nugget, the Lucky Strike Club, and the Boulder Club. This is a Curteichcolor postcard published in 1958 by Curteich Co. of Chicago. IL. It was distributed by Desert Supply Co. of Las Vegas. The Gold Nugget, completely revamped since 1958, is still operating. The Mint closed in 1988; the Lucky Strike closed in 1967; and the Boulder Club was destroyed by fire in 1960.
Chrome postcard showing businesses on Capitol Avenue in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming. This is a Natural Color postcard published by Mike Roberts of Berkeley, California, and distributed by Cheyenne News Agency of Cheyenne.
Chrome postcard showing businesses at the junction os US Highways 40, 24, and 287 in Limon, Colorado. This postcard was postmarked at Limon on August 7, 1971. It was published by Patterson Distributing Co. of Denver, Colorado.
Chrome postcard showing businesses, including the Paramount Theatre, on Polk Street in downtown Amarillo, Texas. This postcard was distributed by Baxter Lane Co. of Amarillo.
Chrome postcard of the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood, California. This postcard was postmarked at San Bernadino, California, on February 3, 1958. It is a Curteichcolor Art-Creation postcard made by Curteich Co. of Chicago, IL. It was distrubted by Western Publishing and Novelty Co. of Los Angeles, CA.
Two divided back postcards showing two views of Th. Jaeger on Rue Clemenceau in Ste-Marie-aux-Mines, France. According to the description on the front of the card this store was a grocery, haberdashery, and seller of household items. Both cards were published by Ed. A. Gunther of Ste-Marie-aux-Mines. They would date after 1919 when this area reverted from German control back to French.
Undivided back postcard from Ste-Marie-aux-Mines, France. This postcard was postmarked Roustchouk in 1902. The German name of the city, Markirch, is also printed on the card as well as the German description, Blumenplatz. Ste-Marie-aux-Mines is located in the Alsace region of France. Alsace fell under German rule in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and remained under German control until the end of World War I in 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. My great-great grandfather, John Reinhardt, was born in Ste-Marie-aux-Mines (Markirch) in 1844 and lived there until he emigrated to America about 1860. He always said he was a Frenchman, not a German.
Divided back postcard showing the Missouri Pacific Train Station at Fort Scott, Kansas. This postcard was postmarked at Garland, Kansas, and dated June 30, 1910. It was made in Germany and published by International Post Card Co. of New York City, NY.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on Main Street at Second Street in downtown Fort Scott, Kansas.This postcard was postmarked at Rich Hill, Missouri, and dated August 25, 1910. It was made in Germany and was published by International Post Card Co., New York City, NY.
Chrome postcard showing businesses on South Main Street in downtown Fort Scott, Kansas. The old Fox Theatre can be seen on the right. This postcard was published by Henry McGrew Printing Co., Kansas City, Missouri.
C.T. Art-Colortone linen greetings postcard from Chicago, Illinois. The postcard shows seven various night scenes of Chicago. The card was produced in 1950 by the Curteich Co. of Chicago and distributed by Aero Distributing Co. of Chicago.
Divided back postcard showing the Elevated Loop tracks above Wabash Avenue in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This postcard was postmarked at Chicago and dated July 21, 1911.
Divided back postcard of a scene on Adams Street looking east from State Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The postcard was postmarked at Chicago and dated September 30, 1908. It was made in Leipzig, Germany, and published by A. Holzmann of Chicago.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on Dearborn Street looking north from Van Buren Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This postcard was postmarked at Chicago and dated November 7, 1911.
Undivided back postcard of the Milwaukee Avenue Co-Operative Store which was located on Milwaukee Avenue in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This card was postmarked at Chicago and dated September 6, 1905. The store was only open for about three years, filing bankruptcy and closing in August 1906.
Divided back postcard showing businesses on State Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. This postcard was published by Franklin Post Card Co. of Chicago.
Divided back postcard showing the Palmer House and other buildings at the corner of State Street and Monroe Street in downtown Chicago, Illinois. Postcard was published by V.O. Hammon Publishing of Chicago. It was postmarked in Chicago and is dated October 18, 1919.